2024 Football Program Senior Ads

Rising Senior Parents,
We hope that you will choose to honor your CHS senior by purchasing a Senior Ad in the 2024-25 CHS full-color football program.  Ads can be either 1/2 page or full page.  Half page ads can include up to 2 pictures and a short message, and can be purchased for $50.  Full page ads can include up to 4 pictures and a short message, and can be purchased for $75.  You can submit your ad and upload pictures via google form between the dates of June 3 and July 1.  We have a HARD deadline of July 1 to accommodate our printer.  Payment can be made via venmo @mightywarriorband, or a check can be mailed to the school, in care of the Band Boosters.  No ad will be printed unless payment is made. The address is located on the program ad form.  If you mail a check, please note "senior ad" in the memo line of the check.  Band and color guard parents, please email Leigh Ann at chilhowiebandboosters@gmail.com before making payment.   
If you have any questions, please contact the Band Boosters at chilhowiebandboosters@gmail.com